June 30, 2020 • Posted in Culture

How We Will Do Better — A Note from Ed Holland

We must do better.

The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Rayshard Brooks and too many others have prompted much personal reflection and internal conversation within M. Holland. These tragic events are a stark reminder of the inequalities that still exist in the United States. They have shined a spotlight on the systemic racism that has shaped the lives of Black Americans, often denying them the basic privileges that many of us enjoy and take for granted.

We must do better.

At M. Holland, we talk about our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion as a journey, a marathon rather than a sprint. But we must view it as much more. It needs to become more than just a new way of thinking — it needs to become part of our beings, a way of life, to the point that a diverse, inclusive and equitable culture is a realized destination.

For all the progress we’ve made at M. Holland — amending our hiring practices, broadening our recruiting net, instituting blind resume reviews, rolling out a company-wide D&I training program, establishing the M. Holland D&I Council — it is not enough. When someone’s son is killed on the street because of the color of his skin, when someone’s daughter is singled out for disparate treatment because she is Black, when human rights and economic opportunity are arbitrarily dispensed because of one’s heritage, we must do better. Not just because diversity, inclusion and equitable opportunity are moral imperatives, but because we all benefit from diversity of thought and full participation in our society and economy. 

We must ALL do better.

The events of recent weeks are prompting M. Holland to step up our Diversity and Inclusion efforts. Our near-term initiatives include setting up a panel to listen to and further drive conversations with our minority employees and boosting training for all employees. We are also exploring local community partnerships to bring awareness and action to eliminating racism and discrimination in all forms. These may be small steps toward a distant destination, but if we all take forward steps in both our professional and personal lives, the vision of a truly diverse, inclusive and equitable society is achievable.  

We all must do better!

Thank you,

Ed Holland
President & CEO

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