April 18, 2022 • Posted in Daily Bulletin

MH Daily Bulletin: April 18

News relevant to the plastics industry:

At M. Holland

  • M. Holland’s 3D Printing group offers a rapid response alternative for producing selected parts where resin availability is tight. For more information, email our 3D Printing team.
  • Market Expertise: M. Holland offers a host of resources to clients, prospects and suppliers across nine strategic markets.


  • Oil prices rose about 4% WeOil prices fell about 1% last Thursday following news of a larger-than-expected build in U.S. crude stocks. 
  • In mid-day trading today, WTI futures were up 1.3% at $108.30/bbl, Brent was up 1.4% at $113.30/bbl, and U.S. natural gas was up 7.18% at $7.82/bbl. 
  • Beginning this week, the U.S. administration will resume selling leases for onshore oil and natural gas drilling while raising royalty rates by 50% to 18.75%, the first rate rise in more than a century.
  • U.S. natural gas storage is at a three-year low for this time of year, the result of a cold winter and high demand for exports: 
The United States ended the winter with the least natural gas in storage in three years

Supply Chain

Domestic Markets

International Markets

4.6 Million Seeking Refuge from Russian Invasion

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