May 31, 2016 • Posted in Technical

Print Advertising in The Plastic Resin Distribution Industry

On May 3rd, Sales and Marketing specialists as well as others, came together to attend the 2016 Plastic News Marketing Summit in Itasca, Illinois. The overall theme of the event was to discuss how technology, digital marketing and even traditional advertising all are an important factor when trying to reach customers in the plastic industry, including the plastic resin market.

As digital technology expands, so does digital marketing. After companies create websites, they realize they needed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to help their websites be found by potential customers looking for their product or service. Email marketing has been employed to send messaging out electronically to potential and current customers to help entice them to come back to their website. Social media is the venue to interact with those same potential and current customers (and potential career candidates). Now, as a result of faster internet download speeds, everyone being connected to their smartphones and the implementation of responsive web design, mobile is more important than ever when trying to promote your business.

M. Holland Plastic Resin Distributor Plastics Summit

Even with all those advancements in technology and digital marketing, traditional advertising still has its place in keeping customers interested in your product or service. During the Plastic News Marketing Summit, Alicia Webb – Marketing Communications Manager for plastic resin distributor M. Holland Co. spoke to the audience about traditional marketing and how tried and true communications are still part of M. Holland’s marketing strategy. Webb talked about how M. Holland uses print advertising to promote their plastic resin product line and how each material developed ties into the company’s marketing communications with trade shows and special events. Webb explained that they want their plastic resin audience to physically have something to hold and read when the opportunity arises.

M. Holland fully understands the value and advantages of marketing in today’s digital world, as evident by their corporate website redesign last year. The new site was built on responsive platform, and included advanced functionality such as background video, interactive product search and even career application functionality, but even with all the technical advances, M. Holland believes traditional advertising still has its place today in the plastics sector.

Be sure to follow M. Holland for information regarding plastic resin. If you would like to learn more about M. Holland and the solutions we provide, submit a form and an M. Holland representative will follow-up with you.

If you would like to learn more about M. Holland and the plastic resin solutions we provide, submit a form and an M. Holland representative will follow-up with you.

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