April 1, 2020 • Posted in Daily Bulletin, News

COVID-19 Bulletin: April 1

Good Afternoon,

The COVID-19 crisis has deepened, with the federal government estimating U.S. deaths could range from 100,000 to 240,000. Here’s more COVID-19 news relevant to the plastics industry:


Supply Chain

  • Our Gold Standard logistics partners continue to provide uninterrupted service.
  • We are closely watching railcar availability as export demand softens, potentially leaving resin inventory stranded in railcars.
  • We’ve seen some improvement in the status of ports:
M. Holland COVID-19 April 1 Bulletin Port Status Chart


  • COVID-19 could result in more U.S. fatalities than all wars since WWII combined:
White House Projected COVID-19 Death Toll Chart


  • The ASEAN Purchasing Managers Index plunged to an all-time low.

Our Operations

  • NOTICE TO CLIENTS: M. Holland Company will be closed on Good Friday, April 10.
  • March orders were healthy and the highest monthly order intake of the past six months of our fiscal year.
  • Our on-time delivery performance to date has not been affected by COVID-19.
  • Ed Holland sent a message to Mployees highlighting some “silver linings … in an otherwise gloomy news cycle.”
  • M. Holland is open for business, deemed essential and will continue to operate at full capacity. We have issued the following status statement:

In accordance with the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), M. Holland Company is considered a member of a critical infrastructure industry and will therefore remain operative. As such, with any necessary accommodations made to ensure the health and safety of our staff and business partners, we will continue to fully perform our normal business operations.

Thank you,

M. Holland Company

We will provide further COVID-19 bulletins as circumstances dictate. For all COVID-19 updates and notices, please refer to the M. Holland website.

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